We don't sell
the Yellofin® Stirrups...
But we do sell the stirrup pads!

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Yellofin® Stirrup Boot Pads
You get a lower pad, upper pad and three
Velcro® straps to quickly and safely secure
your patient's leg into the boot stirrup.
Memory foam is included for comfort
and to help protect your patient
against potential pressure points.
Yellofin Stirrup Replacement Boot
Pads for Allen® Medical Stirrups
- For many years, you have been able to buy replacement stretcher and surgery table pads from alternate sources.
- In fact, most of the replacement pads for Stryker®, Hill-Rom® and Hausted® stretchers come from alternate sources.
- Now you can also buy replacement boot stirrup pads for your Allen® Medical Lithotomy Stirrups from an alternative source at a greatly reduced price.
- These boot stirrup pads are comparable in every way to your original pads except they are less expensive!
- We offer form to fit pads designed to fit standard Yellofin® Stirrups, Yellofin® Elite Boot Stirrups and Ultrafin™ Boot Stirrups.
- SW-20-YFP Boot Stirrup Pads: These pads are normally kept in stock - available for quick delivery. Standard delivery cost is about $20 to most cities within the contiguous 48.
- SW-20-UFP Ultrafin™ Bariatric Stirrup Boot Pads are also available with big savings. Like the Yellofin Stirrup Boot Pads, the Ultrafin™ Stirrup Boot Pads are comparable in every way to the original pads offered by the stirrup manufacturer.
Why pay $725 for
these replacement
boot stirrup pads?
Yellofin® Stirrup
Boot Pads, pair:
Normally: $695
Your cost: $495
Just imagine!
This represents a
$200 savings per
pair for you!
Ultrafin™ Bariatric Stirrup Boot Pads, pr:
Why pay $899 for
these replacement
boot stirrup pads?
Normally: $849
Your cost: $750 |

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Clamshell Stirrup Boot Pads for
Yellow and Black Boot Lithotomy
Stirrups without the fin extension!
These stirrup boot pads fit Allen Medical® Yellow boot-style stirrups without the fin extension.
They are also compatible with most Black colored
boot-style, lift-assist stirrups made by Amatech/
Allen Medical® and re-sold by companies such
Steris, Skytron, Getinge/ Castle, Siemens
Maquet, Berchtold,
Trumpf, David Scott
and Dornier Med Tech.
Clamshell Stirrup Replacement Boot Pads
- Now you can also buy replacement Clamshell Boot Stirrup Pads for your lift-assist stirrups from an alternative source at a greatly reduced price.
- Clamshell Boot Pads fit Allen Medical® Yellow - boot style stirrups without the fin including the Infinity Stirrups, Banana Boot™ Stirrups, Direct Placement and Basic Stirrups and the Yellow color Well Leg Holder.
- They are also compatible with the Black lift-assist twist style stirrups sold by such companies as Steris, Skytron, Getinge/ Castle, Siemens Maquet, Berchtold, Berchtold, David Scott, Trumpf and Dornier Med Tech.
- These comfortable boot pads completely encapsulate your patient's feet for secure and comfortable positioning.
- Memory foam is included for comfort and to help protect your patient against potential pressure points.
- These pads arenormally kept in stock - available for quick delivery. One year factory warranty on materials and workmanship.
Why pay $625 for
these replacement
boot stirrup pads?
Clamshell Stirrup
Boot Pads, pair:
For Yellow and Black
Boot Stirrups without
the fin extension.
Normally: $545
Your cost: $395
Please note:
These pads are comparable in every
way to the original pads offered by the stirrup manufacturer.
We don't sell
Allen® Stirrups...
But we do sell the stirrup pads!

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You get a lower pad and
two padded Velcro® straps to
quickly and safely secure your
patient's leg into the boot stirrup.
One year factory warranty on
materials and workmanship. |
Foothugger Stirrup Boot Pads
for Allen® Medical Stirrups
- For many years, you have been able to buy replacement stretcher and surgery table pads from alternate sources.
- In fact, most replacement mattress pads for Stryker®, Hill-Rom® and Hausted® stretchers come from alternate sources.
- Now you can also buy replacement boot stirrup pads for your Allen® Medical Boot Stirrups at a greatly reduced price.
- These stirrup boot pads are comparable in every way to your original pads except they are less expensive! Comparable to
the Foothugger™ Boot Pads.
- They are designed to fit PAL Pro® Stirrups, PAL® Stirrups, SAM® III, Allen® Adjustable Length and Allen® Universal Stirrups.
- These well designed stirrup boot pads provide comfortable positioning for your patient's foot.
- Memory foam is included for comfort and to help protect your patient against potential pressure points.
- These pads are normally kept in stock - available for quick delivery. One year factory warranty on materials and workmanship.
Why pay $499 for
these replacement
stirrup pads?
Stirrup Boot
Pads, pair:
Normally: $515
Your cost: $373
This represents
a $126 savings
per pair for you!
Save 32%!
Please note:
These pads are comparable in every
way to the original
pads offered by the
stirrup manufacturer. |

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Stirrup Boot Pads w/ Fin for
Great White Maxima Boot Stirrups
Great White Maxima Boot Stirrup Replacement Pads are made of a high density foam with a top layer of memory foam.
Pad completely covers foot, ankle and calf to provide safe and comfortable positioning for larger sized patients.
Slightly thicker padding of the fin section is designed to reduce pressure on the calf to minimize risk of nerve damage.
Standard lead time for delivery is approximately 1 - 2 weeks.
Great White
Maxima Stirrup
Boot Pads, pair:
Normally: $795
Your cost: $745
Please note:
These pads are comparable in every
way to the original
pads offered by the
stirrup manufacturer.

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Stirrup Boot Pads w/ Fin for
Great White Platinum Boot Stirrups
Great White Platinum Boot Stirrup Replacement Pads are made of a high density foam with a top layer of memory foam.
Pad completely covers foot, ankle and calf to provide safe and comfortable positioning for patients.
Slightly thicker padding of the fin section is designed to reduce pressure on the calf to minimize risk of nerve damage.
Standard lead time for delivery is approximately 1 - 2 weeks.
Great White
Boot Stirrup
Pads, pair:
Normally: $595
Your cost: $545
Please note:
These pads are comparable in every
way to the original
pads offered by the
stirrup manufacturer. |

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Stirrup Boot Pads for
Pediatric Boot Stirrups
Schuremed Pediatric Boot Stirrup Replacement Pads are made of a high density foam with a top layer of memory foam.
Available for Pediatric Pup and also Pediatric Kids sizes.
Pad completely covers foot, ankle and calf to provide safe and comfortable positioning for patients.
Slightly thicker padding of the fin section is designed to reduce pressure on the calf to minimize risk of nerve damage.
Standard lead time for delivery is approximately 1 - 2 weeks.
Pediatric Pups
Stirrup Boot
Pads, pair:
Normally: $475
Your cost: $434
Pediatric Kids
Stirrup Boot
Pads, pair:
Normally: $525
Your cost: $485
Universal Boot Stirrup Gel Pads with Velcro®
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient comfort and circulation.
- Standard lead time for delivery is approximately 1 - 2 weeks.
Universal Boot
stirrup Gel pads
with Velcro®,
bell shaped, pair:
Your cost: $140 |
Please note: All prices quoted are FOB Factory. Freight is pre-paid and added to invoice. No returns are allowed on pads
due to contamination and infection control issues. Prices are subject to change without notice. Terms & conditions.
Average delivery time is 1 to 3 weeks depending upon availability.
Copyright 2005 - 2024, SW Med-Source Inc., All Rights Reserved, Opt. 12/24.
Updated 02/24