Dimensions: 6"w x 15"l x ¼" thick
Foot, heel and sole protector with Velcro®
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Foot, heel and sole protector with Velcro®
Your cost: $39 each |

Dimensions: 9"w x 11"l x 3/8" thick
Small Knee Crutch Pad
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
- All sizes shown in photo to left.
Updated 10/24
Small knee
crutch pad
Your cost:
$40 each |

Dimensions:11"w x 17"l x ¼" thick
Medium Knee Crutch Pad
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
- All sizes shown in photo to left.
Updated 10/24
Medium knee
crutch pad
Your cost:
$51 each |

Dimensions:11"w x 17"l x ½" thick
Medium Knee Crutch Pad, ½" version
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
- All sizes shown in photo to left.
Updated 10/24
Medium knee
crutch pad,
½" version.
Your cost:
$95 each |

Dimensions:20"w x 20"l x ½" thick
Large Knee Crutch Pad
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
- All sizes shown in photo to left.
Updated 10/24
Large knee
crutch pad
Your cost:
$167 each |

Universal Boot Stirrup Pad with Velcro®
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Universal boot
stirrup pad
with Velcro®,
pair, bell
Your cost:
$143/ pair |
Allen® PAL Boot Stirrup Pad with Velcro®
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Allen PAL boot stirrup
pad with Velcro, pair,
large bell shaped.
Your cost:
$181/ pair |
Clamshell Heel Pad with Velcro®
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Clamshell Heel
Pad with Velcro,
½" thick, each.
Your cost:
$63 each |
Heel Elevators/ Lifts
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Heel Elevators/
Lifts, 6"l x 2"h, pair
Your cost:
$128/ pair |
Ankle Stirrup Straps for
Cane Stirrups (Footholder Only)
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Ankle stirrup straps
for Candy Cane
Stirrups, pair,
12" x 1" x ½",
2 per strap.
Your cost:
$83/ pair |
Candy Cane Stirrup Sheaths
(Pole Cover Only)
- Having the proper padding, cradling and support is
essential for any procedure.
- Utilizing foot cradles and heel lifts adds to patient
comfort and circulation.
Updated 10/24
Candy Cane
Stirrup Sheaths,
24" x 2" o.d., pair.
Your cost:
$189/ pair |